Acelink Technology Offers a comprehensive range of Business Firewalls. A firewall is your first defence in Cyber Security and is one of the most important aspects of an I.T Network.
Our technicians set up the Firewall in such a way that it is constantly looking for any threat to the I.T Network and Stopping any Potential Attacks.
The first defence in any Cyber Security Setup.
Our Firewalls link into a global network of systems which allows it to learn about any threats as soon as they happen anywhere in the world.
We look after all your licencing and ensure it stays up to date and current. With Monthly and Yearly Options availble.
We work with you and your business to build the best policies to ensure your Network is Secure.
Best Practice Cyber Security Software and Processes.
A Firewall is the most secure way to set up remote staff accessing the office via VPN