Acelink Technology Offers as part of its Cyber Security Solution, an Endpoint Protection Service. Complementing a Cyber Security Firewall, the Endpoint Protection looks at the individual Files on your PC, protecting against Cyber Threats on the PC itself.
Our Endpoint Solution links back up with our main reporting server, instantly alerting us to any threats and containing the threat until we declare the file safe. This software scans the PC looking for any files and folders regularly keeping both Network and the PC safe.
We run a 24/7 Monitoring Service which monitors all your devices for errors and uptime
Our system will alert us when there is an important patch or update and will automatically roll it out to your devices
We look after all your licencing and ensure it stays up to date and current
We constantly scan the PC looking for any threats or vulnerabilities
Best Practice Cyber Security Software and Processes.
Works in conjunction with your Firewall to provide a Full 360 Protection Service